[Click here to read the Gender Strategy Report]President Biden and Vice President Harris believe that advancing gender equity and equality is fundamental to every individuals economic security, safety, health, and ability to exercise their most basic rights. unorderedWithImage: true, Legalized, institutionalized, and normalized misogyny is everywhere. contentList: JSON.parse('[{\u0022id\u0022:23440,\u0022thumbnails\u0022:{\u0022medium\u0022:{\u0022landscape\u0022:\u0022https://media.globalcitizen.org/thumbnails/ba/d8/bad80b6c\u002Db4a6\u002D4aaf\u002Dbde6\u002D745205616afd/book\u002Dreccomendations\u002Dgender\u002Dequality\u002Dsocial\u002Dshare.jpg__800x600_q85_crop_subsampling\u002D2.jpg\u0022,\u0022portrait\u0022:\u0022https://media.globalcitizen.org/thumbnails/ba/d8/bad80b6c\u002Db4a6\u002D4aaf\u002Dbde6\u002D745205616afd/book\u002Dreccomendations\u002Dgender\u002Dequality\u002Dsocial\u002Dshare.jpg__600x800_q85_crop_subsampling\u002D2.jpg\u0022,\u0022landscape_16_9\u0022:\u0022https://media.globalcitizen.org/thumbnails/ba/d8/bad80b6c\u002Db4a6\u002D4aaf\u002Dbde6\u002D745205616afd/book\u002Dreccomendations\u002Dgender\u002Dequality\u002Dsocial\u002Dshare.jpg__800x450_q85_crop_subsampling\u002D2.jpg\u0022},\u0022large\u0022:{\u0022landscape_16_9\u0022:\u0022https://media.globalcitizen.org/thumbnails/ba/d8/bad80b6c\u002Db4a6\u002D4aaf\u002Dbde6\u002D745205616afd/book\u002Dreccomendations\u002Dgender\u002Dequality\u002Dsocial\u002Dshare.jpg__1600x900_q85_crop_subsampling\u002D2.jpg\u0022},\u0022credits\u0022:{\u0022caption\u0022:null,\u0022author\u0022:null,\u0022description\u0022:\u0022The Color Purple, Courtesy of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich\u003B Things Fall Apart, Courtesy of Penguin Books\u003B Sexual Politics, Courtesy of University of Illinois Press.\u0022}},\u0022title\u0022:\u0022The 7 Best Books to Learn About Gender Equality, Recommended by Activists\u0022,\u0022url\u0022:\u0022https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/gender\u002Dequality\u002Dbooks\u002Dactivists\u002Drecommend/\u0022}]'), It starts by recognizing the amazing women who fought for progress and serve as inspiration for people everywhere, but who are rarely given the opportunity to be celebrated in the media. Michelle Milford Morse In the case of parental rights of rapists, some of the problem lies in laws that are not on the books. v3Classes: "bst-container-fluid", But it's unclear why the guy "Friends" weren't there. Across the globe, gender inequality remains enshrined in laws, norms, and policies, pervading every sphere of daily life. Sadly, Donald Trump's campaign and presidency have seemingly only contributed to perpetuating the sexism that already pervades the U.S., both informally and as a part of its legal system. Sec. Under Bostocks reasoning, laws that prohibit sex discrimination including Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended (20 U.S.C. While many may know that most women experience some form of sexism on a regular basis, fewer probably realize that there are actually still many sexist American laws in place that can be readily enforced. Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Why mothers are less wealthy than women without children, Advice from a Wall Street 'trailblazer' to young women. Address the pernicious effects of health inequity, including by addressing the maternal mortality crisis in the United States, which has a disproportionate impact on Black and Native American women, and by reducing maternal mortality and morbidity abroad. WebAccording to Jen Struck, Turiettas aunt, she was a character and a completely free spirit who had traveled across the United States and internationally. (ii) the functions of the Director of the Office ofManagement and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals. className: "pt-0 pb-3 my-0" So what do we do? According to the citys website, its an outdated law meant to protect the city from lawsuits when tourists trip or fall on their irregular streets. It is also the policy of my Administration to address overlapping forms of discrimination. Florida Gov. You can try refreshing the page, and if youre still having problems, just try again later. [512] Current account deficit: Down $1.1 billion, or 0.9%, to $124.1 billion in the third quarter of 2019. Win McNamee/Getty Images News/Getty Images, eliminates minimum essential requirements, Child marriage is shockingly still legal in the United States, this precedent has been cited in several rape cases, it is not illegal to take upskirt photos of women, laws that prevent rapists from claiming parental rights, women having to co-parent their child with their rapist, majority of rapes in the U.S. go unreported, unconscious at the time of the sexual act of oral copulation, others blamed Oklahoma's antiquated sexual assault laws, women's breasts in the same category as genitalia, hair cut without her husband's permission, bravely advocate against sexism every day. women were serving as Heads of State and/or Government in 24 countries as of September 2021. }; Address sexual violence in conflict settings; the elevated risk of violence facing women human rights defenders, activists, and politicians; human trafficking both at home and abroad; and the crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous people. Shockingly, the Georgia Court of Appeals ruled that the state's invasion of privacy laws do not protect women from having "upskirt" photos taken of them, unless they are "behind closed doors" (aka in the privacy of their own home). Doing so could earn them a $500 fine or a 90-day stint in the county jail. Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world where women arent allowed to drive Image:REUTERS/Faisal Al Nasser. 4. "related-stories-plugin-headline--666999", It has also exacerbated a shadow pandemic of gender-based violence in the United States and around the world. The United States is a federal republic whose people benefit from a vibrant political system, a strong rule-of-law tradition, robust freedoms of expression and religious belief, and a wide array of other civil liberties. In North Carolina, women have no legal standing to revoke consent for sexual intercourse once it has begun as a result of an antiquated 1979 legal precedent which stated that if "the actual penetration is accomplished with the womans consent, the accused is not guilty of rape," even if the woman withdraws consent after intercourse has commenced. showDescription: false, ); She urged governments to close the gender digital divide, gender data gaps, and other barriers to womens right to information, including on sexual and reproductive health and rights. Create a free account and access your personalized content collection with our latest publications and analyses. Gender equality in freedom of expression remains a distant goal, as gender-based violence, hate speech & disinformation are used to silence women online & offline, warns UN expert @Irenekhan. Are pricey at-home skincare masks worth it? Heres to hoping that, this year, outrageously sexist laws will be replaced with the equality women deserve. 16 Case 1:22-cv-00627-KK-LF Document 16 Filed 02/27/23 Page 1 of 2 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF NEW MEXICO UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Plaintiff, v. Civ. According to Mic.com, while the judge in the case that established the precedent found the act of taking upskirt photos "reprehensible," the antiquated wording of Georgia's laws does not allow for criminalization of the act. (b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations. Girls and Women. ); Okay, so this one isnt actually a law, but rather, a lack of one. February 28, 2023, 1:31 PM. At the same time, sexist social norms the informal, nonlegal rules that shape our behavior have also proven stubborn and damaging. The Court dismissed the Oregon law allows the plaintiff to recover damages for No. Turietta was found fatally shot in Albuquerque on Dec. 31, 2021. And we have committed to updating and strengthening our strategy to combat gender-based violence around the world.To advance womens health around the world, the Biden-Harris Administration has revoked the Global Gag Rule and reinstated funding to the UNFPA. at 16. Its illegal in the state to teach another the doctrines, principles, or tenets, or any of them, of polygamy. Doing so could result in a $500 fine and up to six months in jail. Noting that this undermines human rights, media diversity and inclusive democracy, she called on States and social media companies to within the framework of international human rights law urgently and decisively make digital spaces safe for all women and non-binary people. WebRecent events have made it impossible to ignore the institutional misogyny and sexism in the London Metropolitan Police Force (the Met). Explore the full collection of facts about the ways in which gender discrimination continues to hold back girls and women in every part of life. And dont we deserve something better? Gender-based violence, hate speech and disinformation are being used extensively online and offline, to chill or kill womens In places that still have anti-cohabitation laws, it is illegal for unmarried individuals of the opposite sex to live together meaning landlords, communities, or entire towns can refuse a couple or familys right to live there. }; By There can be no trade-off between womens right to be free from violence and the right to freedom of opinion and expression -- UN expert. An archaic law in Michigan, which has been on the books since 1931, states that, Any man who shall seduce and debauch any unmarried woman shall be guilty of a felony. If found guilty, the man can be punished with up to five years in the state prison or a fine of not more than $2500. Every day in modern America, women are forced to fight back against sexist and old-fashioned laws that limit everything from our body autonomy and our financial freedom to our fashion choices and healthcare options. ); When Columbus arrived, he found the New World inhabited by peoples who in all likelihood had originally come from the continent of Asia. Under the section Peace and Good Order, a person may be punished for approaching any person of the opposite sex unknown to such person and by word, sign or gesture attempts to speak to or to become acquainted with such person against his will. While this law seeks to punish objectionable actions such as sexual harassment and catcalling, it can technically be seen as prohibiting harmless flirting. To inform our ongoing and future efforts to advance gender equity and equality at home and abroad, the strategy calls for continued accountability, consultation, and engagement as we work towards our collective vision for gender equity and equality at home and abroad. ); The Texas Abortion Law, signed into law on May 19th, 2021, went into effect earlier this September, effectively banning abortions after the detection of fetal heartbeat. In the small California village of Carmel-by-the-Sea, women cannot wear heels more than two inches in height, per municipal code. }; In most parts of the country, a person must be 18 years old to get married. unorderedWithImage: true, Only five states in the U.S. New York, Hawaii, Maine, Ohio, and Texas have specific laws allowing women to go topless in any situation where a man can legally do the same. In Alabama, the minimum age for marriage is only 16, and in New Hampshire, a girl as young as 13 can be legally wed with parental consent. In the case of parental rights of rapists, some of the The fact is, we wont be equal anywhere until were equal everywhere. Cal. ), consider whether to revise, suspend, or rescind such agency actions, or promulgate new agency actions, as necessary to fully implement statutes that prohibit sex discrimination and the policy set forth in section 1 of this order. bindComponentToDiv( 1681 et seq. Outrageous and indefensible sexist laws, policies, and norms are holding girls and women back in every place and part of life. So tread carefully if youre going to flirt in Haddon Township. If you want to explain to someone what polygamy is all about, its best not to do it in Mississippi. After a woman in Fort Benning, Georgia, was fired for a heavy period leak caused by pre-menopause, she attempted to sue her employer for sex-based discrimination; the court dismissed the case. First, we must call on legislators, parliamentarians, and leaders at all levels to take equality seriously. But in only one state, Minnesota, is there no legal provision that restricts or terminates a rapists legal right to parent a child. The year may be 2018, but it many places, women are stuck living in the past. 16 Case 1:22-cv-00627-KK-LF Document 16 Filed 02/27/23 Page 1 of 2 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF NEW MEXICO UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Plaintiff, v. Civ. }; Even when absurd laws like requiring a wife to get her husbands permission for a haircut arent actually enforced, the fact that such strictures are still on the books means they could be, and suggests that some governments feel no obligation to enshrine and protect equality. bindComponentToDiv( Building on the American Rescue Plan, the Presidents Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal and Build Back Better Agenda are once-in-a-generation investments to support Americas working families to rebuild the economy and support women and families. The strategy identifies ten interconnected priorities: 1) economic security; 2) gender-based violence; 3) health; 4) education; 5) justice and immigration; 6) human rights and equality under the law; 7) security and humanitarian relief; 8) climate change; 9) science and technology; and 10) democracy, participation, and leadership. 320 East 43rd Street, 3rd Floor Thanks to research from the World Bank and UN Women, we know that sexist laws, policies and norms are pervasive, and their economic, social, physical, and mental impact on girls and women is significant. Discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation manifests differently for different individuals, and it often overlaps with other forms of prohibited discrimination, including discrimination on the basis of race or disability. Thankfully, while still present in state code, these bizarre, hair-regulating laws are no longer enforced. In July 2020, in front of the United States (US) Congress building, Floridas Congressman Ted Yoho approached Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and after harsh criticism of her political statements, he was overheard by reporters using an offensive swear word and calling Ocasio-Cortez a bitch [].Speaking to Congress about what had People should be able to access healthcare and secure a roof over their heads without being subjected to sex discrimination. (c) The head of each agency shall, as soon as practicable, also consider whether there are additional actions that the agency should take to ensure that it is fully implementing the policy set forth in section 1 of this order. Essentially, a person who wishes to do certain activities in a water of the United Statessuch as point source discharge of pollutants or discharging dredge and fill materialsmust obtain a federal permit in order to do so. Make it happen. In July 2021, there were a total of 792 registry entries across both states. 3502(1), other than those considered to be independent regulatory agencies, as defined in44 U.S.C. In another unfortunately recently-established legal precedent, the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals ruled in 2016 that someone cannot be found guilty of forceable sodomy if "a victim is so intoxicated as to be completely unconscious at the time of the sexual act of oral copulation." August 13, 2021. While some legal experts chastised the Court's ruling, saying it created a legal loophole for rape, others blamed Oklahoma's antiquated sexual assault laws, which some experts say need to be revised. ContentList, The territory represented by the continental United States had, of course, been discovered, perhaps several times, before the voyages of Christopher Columbus. h5: "Related Stories", Outrageous and indefensible examples of discriminatory laws, policies, and norms exist on all continents, and in every nation. In the last 15 years alone, over 207,000 minors have gotten married, and the majority of those minors are young women. In the United States, the Administration has called for historic investments to respond to the maternal mortality crisis. .chakra .wef-facbof{display:inline;}@media screen and (min-width:56.5rem){.chakra .wef-facbof{display:block;}}You can unsubscribe at any time using the link in our emails. showMobileImage: true, You might assume Im talking about a country with notoriously repressive regimes, where girls and women are cruelly denied rights they are fighting hard to secure. 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